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16 comentaris:

  1. Alexander Klassen
    Title/Author: The Dark Tower by Stephen King
    Kind: Roman
    Short summary: In a crumbling world, the last Revolverguy is searching for the Dark Tower. This is the last chance for him to save the world.

    My opinion: I normally don't like these kind of books. And there you see that this book is very awesome! After a amount of time reading it you really will get sucked into it. It's just magical!

  2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
    John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
    Fantasy novel
    In this redaction I will talk about one of my favourite books, "The Fellowship of the Ring". This book was first published in 1954, the same year as the second part of the trilogy "The Two Towers", and was written by the british author John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. It tells the story of a group of heroes of different (and fantasy) races who have to destroy a ring which is the power supply of an evil creature called Sauron. Recurrent themes like the eternal fight between good and evil appear in the book. It is a very important book in the history of the fantasy genre, and I would like to recommend it a lot. Some interesting facts about the author are that he worked many years in Oxford as anglo-saxon philology and literature professor, and that for the making of his novels he invented more than 10 languages to add realism to his stories.

  3. The Grapes of Wrath
    by John Steinbeck
    - Historic realist novel -

    The novel tells the story of the Joads, a family of farmers in the American state of Oklahoma, who face the total loss of their farm and possessions caused by the giant dust storms of the early 1930’s. As they get pushed out of their land by powerful companies, the family decides to emigrate to California at the West Coast of the United States, where they seek to overcome poverty, hunger, and desperation. Fascinated by the stories of California as a rich and plentiful land, the Joads start their difficult journey west, accompanied by the wise former preacher Jim Casy. On their way they encounter other migrants, who share their dreams or who are on their way back home – disappointed by the reality they found in California. While the family seems to slowly fall apart, their hope for a better future persists. When the Joads arrive in the West, nothing seems to be like in the stories they have heard: the people discriminate the starving farmers, want to push them out of their land, or seek to exploit them as cheap laborers. As the immigrants try to organize themselves in unions, the conflict escalates and the Joad family has to make a difficult decision.

    In my opinion, John Steinbeck’s novel is a masterpiece of modern American literature, which illustrates the hardships of the common people hit by the Great Depression. In a time of turmoil and violence, the bounds within the family and the community become more important than ever. One of the greatest strengths of the book are the powerful themes, like the „movement from I to We“, which means that the people have to overcome their own selfishness to achieve a goal as a community. I love the novel as well for its beautiful language and Steinbeck’s style, which includes countless powerful images and scenes.

  4. The Walking Dead - Rise of the Governor
    by Robert Kirkman

    The book is about a small group of people who try to survive in a worldwide zombie apocalypse. On their way to Atlanta, the last save city in America, they have to challenge every day if they want to stay alive. This journey changes them all, especially the main character Brian, who changes from a weak, braveless loser into a man who will rule with an iron hand, who knows no pity and who will be only called "the Governor"

    In my opinion it is a very good book, not because of the horror and the zombies; it combines it in a good way with action, but the main reason why I liked it that much is that it shows how humans would react in extreme situations without the resources of modern society.

    Lukas Adriano

  5. Marc Capell
    Title/Author: Memòries d'Idhún
    Kind: Roman
    Shor summary: A very special boy called Jack and a very special girl called Victoria will try to save the magic destroying the worst race somebody could imagine: Sheks. Kirtash, a shek boy, will try to stop them even if he is in love with Victoria. We will have an adventure book but also a triangle of love.

    My opinion: I love reading this kind of books and this one wasn't an exception. It is one of the best I have ever read because you are really in tension during all of the three books.

  6. "1984"
    by George Orwell
    Dystopian novel

    The world is divided in three big powerful countries, all of them totalitarist. The protagonist, Winston Smith, is a member of the Party of one of these countries, led by the Big Brother, who controls everyone and everything all the time. The slogan of the Party is: "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength". Winston decides to fight againtt the State and soon he realises that he is not alone, but also that is impossible to destroy this totalitarism.

    I really enjoyed this book and I realised that it's clearly a criticism to the Sovietic system. An example of this is that USA used it as propaganda during the Cold War. But now we must ask ourselves if Big Brother can be only compared with Satlin, or if the occidental goverments are also similar to the one described by Orwell.

  7. Wake-on Watersong novel
    by Amanda Hocking
    Roman Beautiful. Fearless. Dangerous. They're the kind of girls you envy, the kind of girls you'd like to hate. Strangers in town for the summer, Penn, Thea, and Lexi have caught everyone's attention, Including the practical eye of Harper. But it's her sister, Gemma, they've Chosen To Be Part of Their group. Sixteen-year-old Gemma Seems to have it all - Carefree, pretty, and falling in love with the boy next door. But her greatest passion have always BEEN the water. She Craven late night swim under the stars, Where she can be alone yet Belong to the sea. Lately she's had company. Penn, Thea, and Lexi Spend Their nights dancing, singing, and partying on the basket - and one night Gemma joins Them. When she Wake Up Groggy on the beach the next morning, she knows something have changed. Suddenly Gemma is Stronger, faster, and more beautiful Than Ever. As she uncovers the truth about her new mythical powers, Gemma is Forced to Choose Between staying with thoses she loves gold Entering a dark world brimming with unimaginable secrets. Altough "Wake" is an English book, and it is easy to Understand Even if you do not understand every single word, you always know the content. I really like this this book, becaus it's really exciting and if you start reading, you can not stop at all. The main character is 16-years old so you can IDENTIFY with You Can Understand her and her actions, feelings and reactions. Ina Kopp

  8. The Lucky One
    Nicholas Sparks
    U.S. Marine Logan Thibault carries a picture of a woman he'snever Because it allows HIM Brings good luck. But When I sets out to find the woman I met with is unexpected Circumstances surrounding historic new love and his shrouded past. Though Sparkss must not original tale, the story flows well and Narrator John Bedford Lloyd delivers a solid performance. Lloyds deep bass tone is perfectly suited for Thibault, a manly man if ever there was one. Lloyds Supporting characters are rich and interesting in theire own right, some speaking in Comical Southern drawl, others with a raw reality. The end result is quite touching without much over-the-top sentimentality on Lloyds part. lovestory.I A really nice like it, becaus of many exciting situation, but Also wonderful waves.

  9. Fighting Ruben Wolfe
    by Markus Zusak

    Ruben and Cameron are brothers, friends, fringe area fighter. Every night they give all at ilegal boxing matches - for a few dollars, for their honor and for together. Until they fall in love with the same girl and become disputants, in the boxing ring and in the love.

    I like this book, because it tells a very exciting story about the relationship of the Wolfe brothers and how they help each other in serious and dangerous situations. It's nice to see / to read how two generally different persons can get along with the problems this har life gives them.

  10. Heartland - Love is a gift (Lauren Brooke; Roman)

    Heartland is a horsefarm in Virginia- and more than this. They care about ill horses and heal them with alternative methods. A family owns this farm, the Flemings. Amy, her big sister Lou and their grandfather.
    One day, their father, who lives in Australia, invites them to visit him. When Amy journeys to Australia with her sister Lou to visit their father on his horse ranch, she has difficulty feelings a part of his new familiy. Lou gets along easily with his wife and daughter, but Amy can not look past the fact that she was just tree when her father left.
    I really like Heartland, because it is easy to understand Amy's feelings and situation. I like the way she changes in the story, she learns a lot about her self, how to handle with the new situation and she learns to immigrate herself in the family of her father.
    - Elisa Schulz

  11. Der Sommerfänger - Monika Feth
    It is about a young woman, Jette, who searchs her boyfriend Luke who disappears without trace. She gets into deadly danger because the man has got a dark secret and a big predator.
    I like the book because it is an exciting thriller which never becomes boring. The novel is exciting until the last page and it is good to read.

  12. Der Sommerfänger - Monika Feth
    Judith Rodehutscord

    It is about a young woman, Jette, who searchs her boyfriend Luke who disappears without trace. She gets into deadly danger because the man has got a dark secret and a big predator.
    I like the book because it is an exciting thriller which never becomes boring. The novel is exciting until the last page and it is good to read.

  13. My sister's keeper - Jodie Picoult

    The novel is about Anna, whose sister has cancer. The only reason she was born is that her sister needs her help. Anna does not want to live for her sister anymore, besause she has her own immagination of life. The young girl is supported by a lawyer against her parents. Anna wins the process, but she dies at her way back home. Her sister Kate becomes healthy and wants to be a teacher.

    The book is well written, because it based on a real story.

  14. Tabea Bauss

    Wie ein einziger Tag - Nicolas Sparks

    Allie and Noah fell in love when they were teenagers, but Allie has to move away. Many years later she has found a article in the newspaper about Noah's lifetime dream: he had restore his father's house. Allie decided to visit him and they fell in love again. The problem is that Allie is engaged with a rich man and their marriage is near. Finally the lovers found a way to stay together.
    I really like this book, because it is a very beautiful love story.


    I recomend you the book "Sorry if I call you love". I read this book before, but in Catalan, and the tittle is "Perdona si et dic amor". The book is written by Federico Moccia, an italian author. The original tittle of the book is "Scusa ma ti chiamo amore".
    Well, I recomend this book to everyone, specially to teenagers because I think that it's interesting, romantic and lovely.
    "Sorry if I call you love" is a book about love and what's difficult is to have a love relationship with a person who is 20 years older than you.


    La novel·la té lloc a Can Savall, una casa on degut a la neu es reuneixen gent d'edats molt diferents amb històries i secrets. Aquests secrets es van descobrint al llarg de la novel·la i és el que et manté interessat.

    Aquesta novel·la, explicada en primera persona per la Gisbet, una de les noies, m'ha agradat molt, i la història de l'àvia amb la nena m'ha fet pensar d'una manera diferent sobre la gent a qui li passen coses semblants. Anar descobrint els secrets de cadascú m'ha fet gaudir de la novel·la. La recomanaria a tothom que li agraden les tardes de lectura, perquè el llibre és ràpid de llegir i entretingut.
